

Our references

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Cycle route network development for six regions in Southern Styria

Flexible Public Transport Services for wine tourists in Burgenland

Demand estimation and implementation options for installing bike boxes at railway stations in Lower Austria

Joint elaboration of recommendations for sustainable mobility in tourism

Joint elaboration of recommentations to improve sustainable mobility services in Northern Burgenland

Passenger potentials of an additional stopp

Assessment of bus lines to further develop the public transport system in Lower Austria.

Coordination of the elaboration of a feasibility study for a sub-urban railway circle line around Vienna on behalf of Austrian Federal Railways.

Evaluation of new mobility services implemented in the course of the LISA project in Lower Austria

Development of a comprehensive micro public transport offer for the three southern districts of Burgenland (together with MiRo Mobility).

Developing and implementing a methodology for the calculation of the necessary resources to push cycling in Austria to a new/higher level (on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action and the nine Austrian provinces- together with Planoptimo).

Article on Cycle Competence Austria

Coordination and implementation of accompanying measures for commuters from Lower Austria concerned by the expansion of the parking space management in Vienna.

Coordination of a joint development process involving the responsible departments of the city administration aiming at elaborating a strategic cycle route network expansion program 2022-2025+ for the city of Vienna.

Coordination of a network of national cycling and walking experts aiming at implementing the first ever pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion and the elaboration of a pan-European Master Plan Walking.

Optimizing the timetables of the bus lines of the bus operator in Burgenland region ( Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland GmbH).

Strategy paper for the further development of the cycling infrastructure along eleven corridors between Vienna and Lower Austria.

Comprehensive evaluation of regional mobility management scheme in Lower Austria.

Development of a cycle route network for everyday cycling together with nine municipalities in the region around Deutschkreutz in Burgenland and Hungary.

Screening and pre-feasibility study for the construction/renovation of possible new city regio tram lines better linking Vienna with the surrounding regions.

Implementation of the first BYPAD Audit for the self-assessment of cycle policies at the national level in Austria.

Article on Cycle Competence Austria

Evaluation and revision of the general transport strategy for the Austrian region of Burgenland together with Rosinak & Partner

Analysis of 28 public transport stations in the Slovak-Austrian cross-border region in the course of the Clean Mobility project.

Policies, plans and promotion for more people cycling in the Danube region (Transnational project coordination and expert inputs for the Environment Agency Austria - Danube Transnational Programme)


Development of a training concept including the implementation of mobility management trainings in the course of the Transdanube Travel Stories and the Clean Mobility project.

Sustainable mobility linking Danube Travel Stories (Transnational project coordination and expert inputs for the Environment Agency Austria - Danube Transnational Programme)


Strategy aiming at more people cycling and walking in Lower Austria

Assessment of the Viennese cycle route network based on a consolidated database and extended quality levels for different route categories

Support partners from Slovak Republic and Austria in better linking and promoting clean mobility services in the cross-border region

Moderation and design of the Webinar with the main question how to provide safe infrastructure for cycling and walking for children until 2030


Map for sustainable leisure mobility in Bratislava and its Austrian environs (‘BAUM’-region)

Development of an expert system for the identification and assessment of potential zones for the logistics industry in Austria

Model based identification and route alignment of possible cycle highways in Lower Austria

Model based determination of the potential demand for bike parking facilities at Viennese underground stations

Multimodality check of public transport stations with a strong focus on possibilities to access public transport stations by bicycle or foot

Definition of future cycle route network for the three municipalities Furth/Göttweig, Krems/Donau and Mautern/Donau

Development of a guideline to support the development and implementation of public transport services in the cross-border region Austria and Hungary

Transnational project coordination and content-related input for the Environment Agency Austria (Danube Transnational Programme)

Transdanube.Pearls website

Analysis of accessibly levels regarding public transport and car travel in Austria on behalf of the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning 

Evaluation and strategic development of Park/Bike and ride facilities in the region of Burgenland

Elaboration of a new strategy for the promotion of (everyday) cycling in the Austrian region of Burgenland

Analysis of the quality of public transport supply in relation to the settlement development in the Eastern Region of Austria

Development of the new general transport strategy for the Austrian region of Burgenland

GVS Burgenland download (german, PDF, 9MB)

Cross-border grid-based spatial analysis model for Lower Austria and adjacent regions in Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and Hungary and project coordination for the State of Lower Austria (AT-CZ/AT-SK/AT-HU Cross Border Cooperation Programms)

Development of the mobility master plan for the Austrian region of Carinthia

Transnational project coordination and content-related input for the Regional Government of Lower Austria (Danube Transnational Programme)

DBS Gateway Region website

Development of regional cycle networks for everyday cycling in several regions of Burgenland

Regional Mobility Plan for future-oriented mobility in the Styrian district of Liezen

Coordination for the development of a pan-European master plan on cycling

Assessment model for potentials in passenger and freight transport for Austrian Federal Railways

Concept for more sustainable mobility in the Carinthian town of Althofen

Conception of flexible transport solutions for the 12 municipalities of the district of Jennersdorf

Improve planning of cycling and walking in the Austrian region of Burgenland

CycleWalk website

Experience in the programms Danube Transnational, Central Europe, Alpine Space, Interreg-Europe and Cross-Border

Development of a methodology to assess the attractiveness of local settlement structures for all-day-cyclists

Funding applications for companies, tourism institutions and municipalities

Technical assistance for project applicants to develop project concepts for the new funding period

Project coordination for the lead partner, the Environment Agency Austria (ETC, South-East Europe Programme)

Evaluation and technical assistance of flexible transport solutions funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund

Elaboration of a mobility concept for the surrounding area of the new pedestrian and cycle bridge between Vysoká pri Morave and Marchegg in the Slovak-Austrian cross-border region

Needs assessmentfor the future designation of commercial areas in municipalities along the planned S8 Marchfeld highway

Project coordination and transnational project cooperation for the lead partner Burgenland State Government office (ETC, South-East Europe Programme)

Development of benchmarks for the quantitative assessment of local amenities and analysis of the situation in the Oberwart district

Optimisation of public transport services in Schneeberg region, Lower Austria

Support the City of Vienna and communities adjacent to the airport region in implementation of selected measures of their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) – special emphasis on flexible transport solutions , rail services and cross-border cycling network

Development of methods to evaluate accessibility on public transport between different economic clusters in Vienna